"He May Rope Like Montie Montana, but He Can't Dally Worth a Lick"
In the roping world, knowing how and when to dally correctly is critical. "Dally" refers to the action of wrapping a lasso around the saddle horn after the calf has been caught. A proper dally can mean the difference between holding the calf or watching it lope away trailing your rope. There are even more dire consequences to a failed dally. Many a roper's glove disguises digits missing due to a botched dally. All of this occurs at a full run and after the calf is roped. If you can imagine the challenge of quickly wrapping a rope that is sliding through your hands fast enough to burn, you are beginning to appreciate how difficult it is to get a good dally.
So what does a dally have to do with business?
- Practice and prepare. The ability to respond and make decisions quickly requires practice and preparation. Engage in "what if" brainstorming, invest in good tools, identify potential scenarios and risks, learn new skills, and build flexibility into your team. The likelihood of a good outcome is not guaranteed, but certainly increases.
- Don't miss by celebrating too soon. Stay focused and strong until the goal is accomplished. I've been so excited to land my loop, that I choke on the dally. Close the deal before celebrating!
- Stay focused on the overall goal while tending the details. Successful completion of a thousand tasks is commendable, but wasted if we miss the main goal. Dallying is just one step in a fluid course of motions to catch the calf - but it is the clincher. Know yourself, your team, and your tools. Give it your all - all the way.
- When things move quickly, rely on your team. Your team provides skills and abilities that you do not alone possess. A successful dally give the roper the strength and stability of her horse. Never underestimate the importance of your team in reaching the goal.
I encourage you to read about Montie Montana, and maybe even watch a roping if you haven't. As for me, I continue to practice my roping and dallying skills - all fingers still intact.